All Stable Rugs - Premier Equine

Premier Equine 200g Horse Rug LinerPremier Equine 200g Horse Rug Liner
Premier Equine 200g Horse Rug Liner
The 200g medium weight rug liner is a popular choice among people who require a significant increase in the warmth of their horse’s rug. Great for use during cold/bitter Spring, Autumnal and Winter periods. 
£60.00 inc VAT
Premier Equine Garissa Stable Rug 400gPremier Equine Garissa Stable Rug 400g
Premier Equine Garissa Stable Rug 400g
A high-quality stable rug that provides excellent protection has been crafted in a breathable 420D ripstop polyester which acts as a barrier to your horse’s coat to repel dust, dirt and stains.
£96.00 inc VAT