With a belief that nature is an ideal source of effective healthcare solutions, Protexin produce innovative research-based products of the highest quality for animals. They work closely with leading universities and research centres around the world to deliver natural healthcare and probiotic supplements that are extensively researched for safety and efficacy.
Fifteen Plus
A comprehensive supplement for the older horse offering support to gut health, immune system and joints.
Protexin Acid Ease
To calm excess acid.
Protexin Equine Premium Quick Fix 30ml
A highly palatable probiotic paste to help manintain healthy gut function.
Protexin Gut Balancer
Gut Balancer is a formulation containing probiotics, prebiotics and yeast on a palatable grass meal base to encourage normal digestive function and efficiency.
Normal use: 10g (1 level measure) added to the daily food
Stress use: 20g (2 level measures) added to the daily food
Additives:Gut Flora StabilisersProtexin probioticSaccharomyces cerevisiae (NCYC Sc47) 4b17021 x 1012 CFU/kg;...